halo halo halo guys, how days????..... better than befor...?? i hope like that..
well, here I am going to tell you something, it's do very important to you that wanna have much money. well here i will tell you how to get money via Social Media, cerious?actually there are many ways how to get much money, like you register to one of office / company and make sure yourself that you will get money.
oke everybody I will share to you 3 ways how to get money, easy and funny, let's check it...
1. YouTube

well, talking about youtube, it's not strange again for us, again and again we dont use it to possitive thing but sometimes only. in youtube we can find many videos ovethere. the question is how can i get money in youtube? okay, first time you must make a original video, not re-opload video, you can make a drama video, comedy, joke, vlog, etc. but the most importance here how you get money it's depend on your expectation. if you have a good contain, you can register to adsense. what is adsense? adsense is one of google site that provide advertisement, more information click adsense. to get advertisement and add to your video, every people which click the advertisement you will get money. your register will be recived if you have good contain. if you haven't youtube account you can click here.
but you must have gmail account.2. Yougov
this application you can download as free, but you can use it in online mode. if YouTube is so difficult to get money you can play in this method. yougov here is one of website that provide one way how to get money as easy as possible. you only include in every survey in this website...
how to get money use yougov? you must register here. click here to register!
how to register.
1. you visit the url or Click here.
2. fill the form base on your identity.
3.after that you will become a new member, and again you must fill the form register to make sure and concrete your identity.
to make fast you get money, you must follow every day the survey in YouGov and answer, every survey has different point.
3. Mystery PTC
here, you only click every advertisement, and i believe that it's very easy to be done by us,
ho to register? okay people.
1. as usual you must register first, if you confused you click here to register. (REGISTER)
2. after that you fill all the form that are. and you must remember to choose free join, but if you wanna make faster your income you can upgrade into primer.
3. you must remember that every day the advertisement only for seven times and will appear again appropriate with when you start to click, if you click at 12:00 AM, so advertisement will appear at 12:00 AM also. when you have click the advertisement, you will wait as time remaining, if one advertisement for 30 second you must wait for 30 second, after that there is instruction to choose the number, and you choose the number that suitable with the instruction.

many people use fb to communication with other people, so, base on our article today is how i get money. firstly i am so doubt because it's only fb, but when i try how can i get money, it's make me confidence to always stay in business. how i get money from fb.
1. Selling something.
fb is public social, everyone can access each other, so you can sell something in fb to get develop your income.
2. using YouGov.
base on above, if we finished register, let's connect to fb, to get more money with like and like ever fanspages that always loyal follow our journey.
okey brother may be like that, and don't forget to stay follow my blog, even though it's so simple blog, and also my Fb
FB (Faiq Moeslem) .
Twet (@han_iama)
Blog (Detik Madura)
nice to talk you....
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