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Madura youth lifestyle

Assalamualaikum. wr. wb
Greetings for all ... now i will present to accompany you all in the middle of the night with
uproar and silent urricanes that supported our heart ... Well without further ado we will describe about the teenage world ,,, WORLD YOUTH MADURA ....Along with the times are getting closer to the end of human life, but the teenagers teens are now increasingly distant from Islamic rule, they prefer the streets to turn to social life, more so in Madura very identified with the city of students, but it is now only a symbol that is still but which do not describe the inherent moral to santriannya which always holds the laws of religion, even today, students who already menyantri many years already no longer feel at home in the cottage because of the association that has been growing each day. sekrang although children cottage sidah many have become lost youth of control, for example into pecamdu Drugs, drunks, Gambling gimanakah ,,, ... Should we as students who uphold Almamater cottage along kijaji name ...? I glottal el-Faiq Bustanul Ulum boarding school graduates will try to describe what actually happens in teenagers is now based on my research in the community and at another boarding school ....Youth students this time ignoring what they have learned dipondoknya, whereas every day every night they were speculative in cekoki by various recitals books, courses, extracurricular activities and other intra, but most of them still do that ,,, religiously forbidden. whose fault is this?Madura first menpunyai terms menjahui laranngan separately in Islam ie with words (jubhe ') is the term used to leave the prohibitions in Islam because the term jubhe' have the meanings bad or ugly or despicable. This means that when people first wanted to do something evil or ugliness, parent or someone who rebuked quite simply said "cong ce'lakone jubhe '" It must not be done because it was something bad "with fear with words that then someone was not perform, as will exceed illicit the English dictionary is said Youth today are the future generation (Youth today are the future generation), if we as the youth who will be the nation genarsi alone is so bad teenage, how will our children and grandchildren?. This was all triggered by the association less intact by parents, teachers. that the child may be one of the association and will refer to the gloomy street.there basically have a friend can give good influence. Among them are able to provide support and improve one's mental. In children, friends are very important due to emotional and social development of the child. Children who bersosialilasi well, it will tend to be confident and show better academic achievement than children who are less sociable. Through friendship, children can also learn how to relate socially so that social skills can be stimulated by either.

But not only that, this was all triggered by the proliferation of tecnology and Globalwarming system.The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by an astonishing change. The fact it has confronted the issue of religion to a collective consciousness that structural adjustment and cultural understanding of religion is a necessity. This should not be seen as an attempt to drag religion, then placed in a subordinate position in relation to the development of social, cultural, economic, political and so quickly it. Instead, it should be understood as an attempt to look back upon the diversity of religious communities. Thus the revitalization of religious life do not lose the context and meaning empiriknya. This requirement can also be interpreted as a religious community response to the changes that occur quickly.As an agent of social change, Islamic education that is in the atmosphere of modernization and globalization required to be able to play its role in a dynamic and proactive. Attendance is expected to bring about change and contribute significantly to the improvement of the Muslims, both on the intellectual plane theoretically and practically. Islamic education is not just a moral value investment process to shield themselves from the negative effects of globalization. But the most important thing is how the moral values ​​that have been inculcated the Islamic education could play a role as a power Liberator (liberating force) of the crush of poverty, ignorance and social, cultural and economic backwardness.Globalization of the view that the world is dominated by the economy and the rise of the capitalist world market hegemony and neoliberal ideologies that sustain them. To keep pace with the swift currents of globalization need to be developed and implanted the character of nationalism to counter the negative effects of globalization.Boarding school is the most ideal system of Islamic education to nurture the soul of Islamism on Muslims. Influence boarding school in this course are enormous and far different than Islamic education in formal or non-formal education other. Ideals boarding school as an educational suggesting spirit of Islamism can be known through the beauty of pesantren life full of peace, culture of the students chant, tawadlu 'the chaplain and clerics, discipline, interaction of students against students of other sacred teachings of books yellow, and doctrine Islamism related beliefs or morals. Of course, all that's needed to strengthen the foundations of Islam and faith in themselves as well as maintaining the integrity of Islam in berbagsa and state are generally consistent with the vision and mission boarding school, let alone in the era of globalization this modern. Effect of prime importance for the life of the boarding school of Islam, can only be felt by those who spirited boarding school, say the students, the alumni of the boarding school, clerics, and some people who are concerned with the development of the boarding school. However, we as parents even in our children the Leave dipesantren must remain in panteau, supervised and supported ... I mean here is not supported by allowing merka carry a cell phone, laptop, notebook and semacamnyalah ,. although we know dipondok children must be given the job related and require electronic appliance ,. but the cottage was already providing the name of the computer lab, it is reserved for students who have a child task and requires a computer ,.
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